Sunday, October 2, 2011


I feel myself slipping; I’m dying.
I can feel my last breath as I fall.
What was is not. What isn’t is not.
The things that seemed so important are worthless,
And not essential at all.

Please help me I am slipping; I cry out.
But no one answers the call.
What’s the point? What’s the problem? What’s the answer?
It seems no one else but me cares.

I feel I’m redeemed and forgiven.
So what! No one cares. Go away!
Far away to the place that you came from,
And leave me alone while I cry.

The world it is ending I know it.
I can hear the hills tumble and fall.
Hear the screams in the sky? I can hear them.
And the blood drip by drip as it falls.

Take me first, I plea to the spirits,
But it seems all but me have all gone.
As I stand on the pain of this heartache,
I can feel myself starting to fall.

Through the ground and the sky I keep falling,
Until I land in a place of bright sky.
Far away from the pain and my anguish,
To a place where the teardrops don’t stain.

I’ll stay here forever and always
In this place I’ll remember as home.
Far away from the place where the sun doesn’t shine,
And the rainbows forever come and go.


  1. Hi...Visit/Support for you...
    Go to my Guestbook Page and add your URL to my site :)Follow me too:)

    I am Follower #6 ...Please follow me back :)Greetings from Germany :)

  2. I love it! I know this feeling so well, I write as well and have alot of stuff simular to this. It's great to be able to put it all down on paper and actually see haw you are feeling.
    keep it up;o)


  4. My Daily Visit/support ...Visit/support me back :)


That was Random!