Randomly written by Random-
Something that i have been interested in lately and has seriously been drooling at the mouth over is computer programing. I'm really getting into the codes and how each one does a certain thing. My dream is to someday create my own computer system. I was trying to come up with a name, maybe i could mix my screen name with Microsoft. Random-soft. Randomly-soft. I could totally see it know. Two geeks walking into a computer store and asking the pimple-faced college student if the store carried the new Randomly-soft software. I don't think so. Oh well, Ive got a long time to think about the name. Any ways the main reason for this post is to tell you about a tiny little code that i learned. This code is a great thing to put on a computer of your friends or family. Definitely a funny prank. By the way, this is not harmless at all and causes absolutely no damage to computers. Here is how to use and save this code:
Something that i have been interested in lately and has seriously been drooling at the mouth over is computer programing. I'm really getting into the codes and how each one does a certain thing. My dream is to someday create my own computer system. I was trying to come up with a name, maybe i could mix my screen name with Microsoft. Random-soft. Randomly-soft. I could totally see it know. Two geeks walking into a computer store and asking the pimple-faced college student if the store carried the new Randomly-soft software. I don't think so. Oh well, Ive got a long time to think about the name. Any ways the main reason for this post is to tell you about a tiny little code that i learned. This code is a great thing to put on a computer of your friends or family. Definitely a funny prank. By the way, this is not harmless at all and causes absolutely no damage to computers. Here is how to use and save this code:
- step one: right click on the desktop screen.
- step two: select new-shortcut
- step three: when the little screen and bar pop up type in the code. The code is (write this down exactly as i have it) shutdown -s -t 00
- step four: save it. when it asks you to name your file, you should name it something like Internet explorer or Randomwaves17.
- step five: after you have saved your shortcut then you can right click it and select properties. when properties shows up there will be a button that says 'change icon' click it and select the best icon that fits your shortcut name.
I feel so powerful now! Mawhahahaw!!! (Evil laugh)
I love the new background ;o)