Friday, November 11, 2011

Winning The War

Randomly written by Random-

Can a student survive college? College is a game of survival, and it can be a lot
like being a soldier trying to win a war. There are tests around every corner that are like
bombs ticking away and then defusing themselves or blowing up. Then there are the
assignments that all seem to come due at the same time and lay in waiting like land mines
for someone to turn one in late and explode into a bad grade. Worst of all are long
lectures to be endured from the teachers. They are like bullets hitting a soldier with both
useful and useless information. As the teacher talks, the student strives to write down the
coordinates as fast as he can before time runs out. However, college can be survived.
With some skill, good advice, a bit of strategy, and a lot of hard work, college can be less
like a battlefield and more like a means to an end.
    When I first started college, I thought it was easy. Yeah that’s right, easy. It
seemed easy because the first few weeks of college were slow and laid back. I was not
prepared for the battle up ahead. I remember thinking that this was an easy way to claim
the title of college student. Then, out of nowhere, and all at once, my teachers seemed to
have declared war on me! Almost instantly I went from rest and relaxation to being
deployed into a stream of chaos like I had never seen before. For weeks and months now I
have fought the long, hard battle of keeping up with the platoon. At times it seems
endless. Time and time again I have been knocked off my feet from a bomb like
explosion of assignments and hit mercilessly with a Hell fire of bullet like tests and
quizzes. Besides the counseling of my parents, who are veterans of the wars before me,
I am learning some things on my own. I know that I can survive college, and that this
battle can be won if only I realize that procrastination and disorganization are the real
names of my enemy. Putting off tomorrow what I should have done today has caused
many a soldier before me to go missing in action. Also, not keeping my kit in order leaves
me unprepared for the battle ahead.
    Procrastination is one of the most feared assassins out there. He lurks in the
shadows, creeping silently behind the unexpected victim, until he is completely
unaware of the danger. Then, procrastination leaps from behind and leaves the victim
weakened, but not yet dead. It has been hard for me, personally, to recover from my early
battle with procrastination. It left me weak and overwhelmed. It has taken me weeks of
drill with no furlow in sight to make up for those first few weeks of fun. I still fight the
battle of putting off what I should be doing right now. It is an on-going battle for me. One
of the best ways I’ve found to avoid procrastination is to be organized. Keeping my kit in
order is a defense against both procrastination and disorganization. In my kit I
keep several weapons to help ward off any of their attacks. I have learned that, to keep
procrastination at bay, I must keep a calendar and a schedule book. This helps me keep
track of all of my incoming tests and assignments. We also have a family calendar at
home that I put major assignments and important dates on. Also, I have one school
backpack and keep a pouch with all my pencils and pens and highlighter in it as well as
my books, folders, etc. Having all this in one bag reduces the time it usually takes me to
search for needed materials. I have also learned to have the right materials ready for each
class. For example, I sure don’t need a calculator for my English class. The folders in my
bag are labeled for each class so it is easy to keep papers organized in a place that I can
find them quickly. I clean out my backpack regularly so that I am mot carrying anything
unnecessary around. Having a ton of extra materials really weighs a soldier down so that
he is not able to fight the battle very well. Being organized is a big part of surviving
    It is best to start out a college tour of duty organized and ahead. This gives the
student leverage. There are several important strategies to help a college student survive
and reach the goal of graduation. Disorganization and procrastination are not the only
challenges that a student will face. College is hard work and very challenging. Students
must be willing to take advice and help from others to win this war. I know that I can
succeed in college. If we, as students, are willing to put in hard work, take good advice
and help, and learn new strategies, this war is already won! 



  2. Hi Friend ... How are you ?

    Feel free to visit me again :)

  3. Hello :) I think as a Student you should never give up and do the best you can because in the end it will pay out for you.


That was Random!