Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Yes I'm sure we've all seen the you-tube videos about the ginger kid that seems to enjoy shouting to the world that he does indeed have a soul. Seriously though why would he argue this statement? Well being a ginger myself i decided to look at it a little more closely. For decades, ginger headed people have been classified as a sort of spawn of Satan and have been shunned and sometimes killed for bearing such a sin. Some myths that have surrounded gingers besides being completely soulless are, having bad tempers, being vain, sunburned easily, and possessing venomous fangs. Well three out of five of those are definitely true. As a ginger i have an extremely violent temper and when i get even slightly ticked, my ears turn scarlet red. I don't know about my fellow gingers, but i will happily admit that i am extremely vain. (wouldn't you if you thought everyone was looking at your hair?). I will also say that i absolutely hate the summer because i sunburn really easily. I hate being bathed in that slimy substance they call sunscreen lotion. "YUCK!" About the venomous fangs? I've bitten a couple of people and they are still alive. Back to the ginger's have souls. The phrase “gingers have no soul” comes from the South Park episode “Ginger Kids” that first aired on November 9th, 2005. At the beginning of this episode, Eric Cartman gives a class presentation on the subject of red-headed children and “Gingervitis,” a made-up disease. Although it is hilarious, i hope that we don't take this seriously and personally. Especially like the kid off of Youtube. I personally don't mind being asked if i have a soul and because of my tolerance, have been labeled Ginger. 


  1. I think we all have stigmas hun. Seriously, blonds are dumb, gingers have tempers and well, the others just don't matter...

    Who gives a shit what others think. I have a bad temper at times and I don't have red hair.

    You do realize that some people do try to dye their hair red right??

  2. yeah i certainly didnt mean for anyone to think that i give a dang what people think. Yeah not everyone thinks having red hair is a deathly curse or somthing.

  3. Whattt, I thought you had black hair though. LOL

  4. @Nikki
    lol i died my hair black that time but my natural color is red.


That was Random!